Sunday, July 26, 2020

The History of Money

9000 BC-  In this century, Money was animals like cattle, sheep and camels. As people began to grow their own produce, grain. Vegetables became the most precious item.

1200 BC- In 1200 BC, the Pacific and Indian Oceans, China and some parts of Africa, cowrie shells were used instead of actual money.

1000 BC- In 1000 BC. the Chinese used metal in their money. They made imitations of cowries (A small to a large group of sea snails) out of bronze and copper.

500 BC-  In this century, Lydia(A place which is now in Turkey)Turkey used a mix of gold and silver. The back is stamped was stamped to show that they were made from valuable materials and to show they are not fake.

806 AD- Chinese started using and making paper money they used as there was a shortage of gold and copper. This was used for 5 centuries!

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