Thursday, April 11, 2019

This is my Toanga

My Taonga
My  Taonga is a photo which was taken at the LUGE!!!  This photo was probably taken when I was about 6-7 years old.   In this photo there was my brother, my dad, my mum and I. As you can see, there was lots and lots of greenery around us.   The luge we had gone to was the one in Rotorua.

This photo reminds me of my childhood and it also boosts my confidence because when I’m scared to do something I remember I can do anything!!!!  

This photo connects to me and my family because it brings back so many memories like once I screamed so loud in the tunnel I nearly lost my voice and I read  SLOW DOWN!!!! And slowed down too much and…... STOPPED!!! so my dad had to get off and push me to start again. Another reason is that we framed it in our house and whenever we look at it, we just talk and talk about all the memories.

Here's my bugtastic bug menu