Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Biosphere Explantion

 Biosphere, Do you know what it is? The earth is made up of 4 main spheres: Biosphere, geosphere, atmosphere and the hydrosphere. Today I will be telling you about the biosphere and how it works.

What is the biosphere? 

The biosphere is all about life. It includes all living things like animals, plants, even us! Geographers use this term biosphere to describe our world. The biosphere goes all the way, Earth up to the upper areas of the atmosphere where birds and insects are found Without the biosphere, Earth will be lifeless.

P2 What are the main components of the biosphere?

There are 4 main components of the biosphere Sunlight, Water, Air and food. Sunlight is a necessity for all living things, as it is the main source of energy. The sun produces heat for animals, plants and us. Secondly, is water, it is an essential part of survival. Water is needed for cells and tissues to work. It is also an environment for animals. Air is next. Air is made up of several gases. Two most important gases of all are oxygen and carbon dioxide. Without oxygen, living things will die and without carbon-dioxide plants won’t survive. Lastly is food. Living things need energy for function. Energy is for growth, reproduction, movement and work.

P3 How does it work?

The biosphere is made of all living things but it includes all four spheres. For example, sea animals live in the ocean and that’s the hydrosphere and birds live in the sky and that’s the atmosphere and insect live underground and that’s the geosphere.

In conclusion, without the biosphere life wouldn’t be possible. The biosphere connects all the spheres together and makes Earth, Earth.


Geographers- A person who studies geography.

Carbon-dioxide- It is a gas at room temperature

Reproduction- A process by which a living organism creates itself

Cells- A cell is the smallest thing in our bodies

Tissues- It consists of similar cells 

Sunday, October 18, 2020

The eruption descriptive writing


The eruption

Poffitt! The Torrid lava breaks out of its shell. It can’t take it anymore. The lava acts like an exasperated bull. Incandescent lava erupts through the top getting ready to burn anything in its way. Snow blankets the mountain all over. Bushes and trees dance in the light breeze.  Smoke spreads quickly, completely, blackening the lilac sky making it a struggle for people to breathe or see. The odour of the smoke tingles peoples noses when they walk outside. An overwhelming amount of smoke has instantly turned into a dragon ready to attack. Like when a bone in your body cracks lightning appears almost immediately. It looks like the lean veins of a hand.  Faintly pearly white stars twinkle in the background but they are mostly covered up by the lava and smoke. Mountains in the foreground black and bold have no idea what is happening. 

Screams are heard from every direction. Some people say RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!”

Some people are just analysing the scene and thinking How did this happen all of a sudden?’’ A few minutes later the whole city is quiet because all the people living inside have locked themselves in their homes. But unfortunately, the lava doesn’t wait for anybody. Seconds turn to minutes, as the selfish lava seeps down the volcano like a liquid avalanche leading the villagers closer to their eternal rest...

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Descriptive writing about a moment in time


Splush, Splash, Splush! The contestants’ sprint pass with crimson fences, huffing and puffing as they go. Athletes vault over hurdles getting back on their feet and continuing. Auburn trees dances in the wind. Parents crossing their arms to maintain body heat. Like blotches on a shirt, Sludge stains the competitors lively trainers. Casually, clouds gather in seeming like it’s about to rain Roaring parents vices are barely heard in the harsh gales. Many parents eagerly look for their kids. Even though it’s windy out, many crowd-goers are in just shorts and a t-shirt. DUll and green, the public toilets are in use. A few people waiting outside for their turn The depressing roof does nothing more then it’s worth. Jail cells are what the windows are. Now even more runners are coming in, The weather-beaten plank of wood still stands strong. Moss grows on one side of the hurdle. The contestants eagerly waiting for this day to end. So is horde lingering until the race ends. I wouldn’t like to be in their shoes on this miserable afternoon.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Alliteration poems

 The letter A

Alexandra went to Argentina, America and Afghanistan

She brought Apple pie and arrows.

Alexandra met an alligator who ate Avocados,

She also met an acrobat named Alexa.

The letter B

Bella bear does ballet on a basketball.

Bella buys a beat-up ball.

A Burst balloon, bouncing bananas, she bought them from a cabana.    

And she lived on blueberry lane.


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

My lost lotto ticket- Narrative


“Ring, ring, Yes Julie what is it?” whispered Gabriella over the phone. 

“You have just won lotto!!” yelled Julie, her friend.

“Omg! I better get back to the Airport!” Muttered Gabriella.

This is the day when Gabriella won the lotto. When she told her parents they were all overjoyed with happiness. But when she got on a scooter to get back to the airport… it changed her life…

It all started when Gabriella got a phone call from her best friend telling her she won the lotto. She then got onto a scooter, Gabriella could feel the wind pushing against her face and she could see beautiful, white buildings with blue rooftops. She thought that Italy was the most beautiful place in the world. But all of this didn’t last for long. Out of nowhere a green and yellow taxi ran the red light forcing the scooter driver to avoid it but he didn’t see where he was going and he went BOOM! The man and Gabriella crashed into a Hotdogs stand. With all the commotion the lotto ticket flies away.

”BEEP, BEEP, BEEP” the next minute she knew it she was in a hospital bed with nurses surrounding her like a swarm of bees. She told them she needed to get back to the airport. But they told her she was paralyzed and she has forgotten how to walk. So then she started to look for her missing ticket around her bed. When she couldn’t find it she called her family and told them what had taken place. They were horrified. 

For the lotto ticket, it had recently flown to the United States of America and had even taken a picture with DONALD TRUMP! It was now on its way to Egypt to see the great and humongous pyramids.

While the ticket was having an awesome time, Gabriella wasn’t. The next few months went by in a flash, there was still no sign or trace of the ticket. Nonetheless, Gabi practised walking and then she finally got the hang of it. By the end of it, she had completely forgotten about the missing ticket. The next day she decided she would surprise her family. Because she hadn’t seen them in what felt like forever. She told the nurses that she wanted to go and they said she would be fine to leave but she would still need to be careful. Also, they told her to occasionally sit in her portable wheelchair to rest. Gabriella was overjoyed! So the next day she got on a plane and took off to Auckland, New Zealand.

 In the next hour, she reached the Auckland airport. She found a taxi and the driver took her to the destination. Meanwhile, the ticket had flown around the whole world! It was now flying back to NZ. Now Gabriella had reached her home and was carefully getting out of the cab. The girl collected her belongings and was trudging up to the front door when the lotto ticket had come out of nowhere and popped right in her jeans back pockets without her noticing.

 She rang the doorbell… And her dad answered it. When he saw his daughter he immediately gave her a gigantic hug! He screamed: “ HII GABRIELLA, are you ok? Do you need me to carry your bags?!” Gabriella responded with” Yes please, I am ok I just need to take a rest. The two walked inside and Gabriella’s mum also yelled; “OMG!! GABI! Are you ok?” Gabriella answered “Yes, I am still looking for my lost lotto ticket though. When I crashed I don’t know where it went!” Then her mum said “check your pockets see if it is in there.” so then Gabi checked her pockets and there it was, the missing ticket. Her family was filled with happiness. They had just won $50 million dollars! 

The family lived happily ever after with the $50 million. This changed her life. After this tragedy, She made sure to be careful whenever she was in the city. What would you have done with the $50 million?   

Have I:


  • Written an introduction with an interesting hook?


  • Described the setting and characters?


  • Included a variety of details like thoughts, feelings and the five senses?


  • Used a variety of words to link events?


  • Written a resolution with an impactful closing?

Kind of

  • Used paragraphs


  • Used interesting and powerful vocabulary?


  • Corrected most spelling, punctuation and grammar?


Two things I did well were… 

I used different types of detail and used my imagination for the winning ticket.

Something I can improve is… 

Using more powerful vocabulary.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

WALT recognise and understand equivalent fractions part 2

I designed this turtle. I used hexagons, trapeziums, triangles and diamonds. There are 16 different shapes. I knew that this pattern can be made in many different ways but I know that it can be made from just hexagons. Overall there are 20 different types of shapes. I knew that a hexagon can be made from 2 trapeziums and altogether there are 14 trapeziums. I have used 4 trapezoids out of 14 so the fraction will be 4/14 which can be simplified into 2/7. You can also make this shape from triangles and you will need 42 triangles and I have used 10 triangles so the fraction is 10/42 and you can simplify it and the fraction will be 5/21. Next is hexagons, there are 7 hexagons in the design and 2 are whole hexagons so the fraction is 2/7. Lastly, diamonds, Altogether there are 21 diamonds. I used 4, so the fraction is going to be 4/21 this fraction cannot be simplified.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

How do banks work? Explanation by Mahika

 How do banks work?

Do any of you have a bank account or a piggy bank? These are used to store money that you can collect anytime. A bank, do you know what it is? Banks have been around for thousands of years. These useful and beneficial buildings have many purposes and one of them is to store your money and to make sure that it doesn't get stolen. There are many different types of banks in New Zealand like BNZ, ASB, ANZ and Westpac; these are Australian-owned banks in NZ. Some NZ-owned banks are Kiwibank, TSB, Cooperative bank and SBS.

When you get a bank account you can deposit money like notes or coins that you earn into the account. The best thing is that you get your money back at any time There are also many benefits like you can earn money by giving a bit away. For example, you deposit 100 dollars to your bank. The bank can lend it to people who need it like a newlywed couple. By doing this the newlyweds agree to give back that 100 dollars to you with a little extra money like 30 dollars. This process is called interest. But you only get 2% of the interest and the bank gets 5%. Next is a profit. A profit is like interest but the bank keeps the extra money. So in this case, the bank keeps the money that the newlywed couple gave.


When you first open an account, you will need to start saving money. Some examples are when you buy bread try buying a cheaper option, Next, you could save while you shop. Try not to purchase really expensive brands. These are just a few options on how you could save money. By saving money you can use it to spend on your wants. Did you know that if you save a heap of money it can potentially increase your net worth? The point of a savings account is to keep your money in a secure position and the best thing is you can earn a bit of interest. Also, savings accounts are used for larger purchases like a car, house and airplane tickets.


This is the end of my explanation. Banks are all over the world. Imagine life without banks money would be everywhere, people could steal. With the help of banks, life is easier, more convenient and there is less to worry about. After this, I hope you go to your parents and ask for a bank account or piggy bank.

Mahika's spelling word find

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

WALT recognise and understand equivalent fractions part 1

I crafted this flower design using Hexagons, Triangles, Trapeziums and Diamonds.

I knew that this pattern can be made in many different ways but I know that it can be made from just hexagons. Overall there are 20 different types of shapes. I knew that a hexagon can be made from 2 trapeziums and altogether there are 14 trapeziums. I have used 4 trapezoids out of 14 so the fraction will be 4/14 which can be simplified into 2/7. You can also make this shape from triangles and you will need 42 triangles and I have used 10 triangles so the fraction is 10/42 and you can simplify it and the fraction will be 5/21. Next is hexagons, there are 7 hexagons in the design and 2 are whole hexagons so the fraction is 2/7. Lastly, diamonds, Altogether there are 21 diamonds. I used 4, so the fraction is going to be 4/21 this fraction cannot be simplified.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

The History of Money

9000 BC-  In this century, Money was animals like cattle, sheep and camels. As people began to grow their own produce, grain. Vegetables became the most precious item.

1200 BC- In 1200 BC, the Pacific and Indian Oceans, China and some parts of Africa, cowrie shells were used instead of actual money.

1000 BC- In 1000 BC. the Chinese used metal in their money. They made imitations of cowries (A small to a large group of sea snails) out of bronze and copper.

500 BC-  In this century, Lydia(A place which is now in Turkey)Turkey used a mix of gold and silver. The back is stamped was stamped to show that they were made from valuable materials and to show they are not fake.

806 AD- Chinese started using and making paper money they used as there was a shortage of gold and copper. This was used for 5 centuries!

What is Bartering? With example

Bartering is a form of trade.  People trade goods for what they need or want. People need to make sure that the trade is equal. For bartering to work, you need to have a person who has what you want and another person who need or wants what you have. This is an example: Annie is an apple farmer and Tom is a painter. Annie wants to have Tom paint her house in exchange Annie will give him 10 apples. This is called bartering. Some trades are unfair like if you give somebody has a lollipop and you have a marble this is an unfair trade because the marble is way smaller than a lollipop.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

The first part of- The week my siblings and I sent them to Malibu for a Chanel purse

Mom! Henry’s cheating!” squawked Emma.
Girls, can’t you just get along with the boys” mom yelled from the kitchen.
“Okay, Mariam said wearily.
This was a traditional weekday at the Smith house, Mum would yell at the kids to play together they would fight and go play by themselves. The siblings are Mary who is oldest, then it's Henry the second oldest, and next is Liam he is the second youngest and lastly Emma, the youngest of the bunch. This family is not an ordinary family, this family is separated. For example, the sisters are best friends and the brothers are ‘dudes’. This family will only talk together either at the dinner table or when they are talking about a topic that’s interesting. Now getting all that out of the way this story is about when the two sisters sent the two brothers to Malibu for a Chanel Purse!! Let’s get straight into it!

This story starts when the kids were playing Candyland. That’s when the plan began.” Ugh, I hate losing, screeched Emma I’m going to go play in my room with Mary. Bye Losers!” 
That was the last time the siblings ever talked to each other for the rest of the day. When the relative’s had got back to mingling with their ‘BEST FRIENDS’. That’s exactly when the plan started brewing up in the sister’s room.”Let’s send Henry and Liam to a different country or state!” whispered Emma.
“Great idea,” muttered Mary” We should send them to MALIBU which is in California because my friend lives and she has a Chanel purse that we can trade for our gruesome brothers!” 
“That’s amazing” responded Emma.

To be continued…

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

My Speech video- Why we should care about global warming

This is a classroom map - By Mahika and Anoushka

Speech 2020 - Why we should care about global warming

“We are the first generation to feel the effect of climate change and the last generation to do something about it” once said by Barak Obama, Former US President. Global warming is a real thing and if we don’t stop it now, the next future generations will end up solving the problem that we made. Now I know what you are thinking ‘not another global issues speech!’ Well… I am going to persuade you into believing that we all should care.
Paragraph1 :
My first reason to argue is that natural disasters can happen at any moment. One could even happen RIGHT NOW! Everybody’s heard of natural disasters, right? In case you don’t know what a natural disaster is, it's an event that takes place anytime, anywhere. Some examples are floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes. The ice caps melting causing sea levels to rise, because of this tragedy coastal areas are flooding, destroying homes, and native spaces. The biggest problem of all is that the islands are getting submerged. You won’t believe that 8 islands have already vanished from the Pacific ocean!! Some countries which are at the tipping point of drowning are the Maldives, the Marshall Islands, Tuvalu and Kiribati. While Earth is heating up, countries like India and the United States are experiencing intense severe droughts and tropical storms. I bet a lot of you want to go to the U.S and many have relatives in India. These countries have many landmarks that could be destroyed and you wouldn’t be able to enjoy the United States while you are there.
Paragraph 2:
All marine and land-living animals are endangered is my second main point. Many insects, Oceanic birds, Giraffes and Whales are at risk. How many animal lovers are here? I bet there are many including me. Did you know that all these animals are going extinct and do you want to help by reducing global warming? The National Academy of Sciences From the United States of America says that by 2070 which is in about 50 years, one-third of all plant and animal species will be extinct because of global warming. Global Warming is such a horrible issue!! Kofi Annan, Former Secretary-General of UN said “The world is reaching the tipping point beyond which climate change may become irreversible. If this happens, we risk denying present and future generations the right to a healthy and sustainable planet – the whole of humanity stands to lose’
Paragraph 3:
 My last point I mentioned before that, the ice caps are melting! How could people be so careless about their own planet?  Did you know that from the early 1900s glaciers and ice caps have been melting rapidly since the industrial revolution? Because of this, sea levels are rising. WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS IMMEDIATELY!! Carbon dioxide and water vapour are the main culprits of the situation because they are increasing the temperatures causing the ice caps to melt. Especially in the South pole and the North pole.  The World Wildlife Foundation found out 95% of the thickest and oldest ice has already disappeared! 

 I hope you have thought about what all happens in our daily lives and we don’t even know. Here are some things you can do to help save our planet, take shorter showers, close the door immediately once you have left somewhere so that the heat doesn’t escape and lastly, walk or bike to school instead of having your parents drop you off. So next time you think about what you can do to help our planet PLEASE DO!! Because every bit counts!

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Countries I would like to go to and the description

Countries I want to go to and description
Currency: Emirati Dirham, Currently 0.42c is 1 NZ dollar(s)
Duration: 19h 15m
Where: The United Arab Emirates, Persian Gulf
Hotels: 5-star: voco Dubai, interContinental, Grand Hyatt Dubai
Founded: 9 June 1833
Population: 3.331 Million
Capital: Abu Dhabi
Continent: Asia
I would like to go to Dubai because It has the best landmark in the world… The BURJ KHALIFA!!!!! I mean who wouldn’t want to see the tallest building in the world. It has got amazing views. Some things you wouldn’t want to miss are the water shows the Dubai Mall, Legoland and Jumeirah beach. Hope you agree with me about going to Dubai!!

Currency: Jordanian Dinar, Currently 2.15 in NZ Dollar(s)
Duration: 1d 9h+
Where: in the middle east of Asia
Hotels: Ma'in Hot Springs, Ramada Resort Dead Sea
Founded:19 April 1921
Population: 10 million+
Capital: Amman
Continent: Asia
I would like to go to  Jordan because it has ancient castles and buildings. The weather is always great. Places and things you can do there are... float in the Dead Sea, Visit Petra. An archaeological site, Experience The Valley Of The Moon, Camp Under the Stars, and go on a jeep safari.

Currency: Fijian Dollar, Currently1.42 in NZ Dollar(s)
Duration: 3h
Where: South Pacific
Hotels: Radisson Blu Resort, Outrigger Fiji Beach Resort, Fiji Hideaway Resort and Spa 
Founded:10 October 1970
Population:  8 hundred thousand+
Capital: Suva
Continent: Oceania
I would love to go to Fiji because it has many beaches to go to and I could even get my hair braided!! The bungalows are so cute I would just like to relax in a hammock all day. The water is crystal clear and is home to many animals. I would like to go snorkelling. Some things you could do in Fiji are going to the Mamanuca islands I can snorkel, scuba dive and go to a lagoon.  Another place you could go to is Nadi. It’s a city on Fiji's main island. Also home to Sri Siva Subramaniya Swami, a Hindu temple reflecting Fiji's large Indian population. The Garden of the Sleeping Giant has orchids and hiking trails.

Currency: USD
Duration: 1d 15h
Where: United States
Hotels: Waikiki Grand Hotel, Oceanfront Legacy vacation rental
Founded:21 August 1959
Population: 1 Million+ 
Capital: Honolulu
Continent: North America

I want to go to Hawaii because it is soo pretty the beaches are to die for! The water is so crystal clear. The sunsets are also another one of the highlights of Hawaii. Some things to do in Hawaii are .. go to the Volcanoes national park, go to Diamond and lastly Hanauma bay.