Sunday, August 18, 2019
Monday, August 12, 2019
This is my process writing
Paragraph 1- Egg and Newborn
Paragraph 2- Toddler and kid
Paragraph 3- Teen and early adult
Paragraph 4- Adult
Paragraph 1 - Intro
Humans, like all living things, go through a growth process throughout their lifespan. Each stage is unique and special, bringing many changes, challenges and successes. Everyone grows up differently and individually.
Paragraph 2 - A baby
Babies are cute, adorable,and loving. All humans started out in the world as babies. But even before entering the world, humans started out as an embryo in their mother’s uterus. Over the next nine months inside its mother, a baby develops, growing organs, tissue, blood and limbs. It becomes bigger and prepares to be born. Once on Earth, the newborn baby is totally dependent on its mother and family to provide love, warmth, food, support and care. Within the first year of life, the baby gets taller and stronger, learning how to hold its head up, roll over, sit up and crawl. It becomes more active and curious. The baby begins to eat mashed food and tries to communicate by expressing a range of sounds.
Paragraph 3 - A toddler and kid
Over the next few years kids develop and grow. Throughout these years they learn to talk, to play and to walk. Kids between these ages talk fluently and express their feelings about others. Between the years of 5- 11 children go to school where they learn to spell, read, write and more. Kids learn to make friends and to not be lonely, they become more social and enjoy interacting with one another. As they get older, kids develop more independence and confidence in themselves.
Paragraph 4- Teen and early adults
Humans are considered teenagers when they turn 13, and become young adults at 18. Teenagers evolve into more mature humans. Teens have many responsibilities such as making most of their decisions, they have to take care of themselves and siblings. Teenagers are quite moody and are always out with their friends to show independence. At this age teens learn to When they get more mature they have even more responsibilities like: moving into their own place, taking care of themselves and their family and lastly to pay bills if they live away from their parents.
Paragraph 5- Adults
At 18 years of age, humans are viewed as adults. They make their own choices and live alone. They explore out to find their soul mates. Adults have many responsibilities like taking care of a baby if they have one, and also finding an actual one for themselves.Adults have to earn money so they can pay for bills,Food, clothes ,a house, household items and soo much more.At this age they start driving. Adults are allowed to basically anything as long as it's not bad and against the law
Paragraph 6 - elderly
From the age of 65 and onward they are retired. At this age they could be grandparents, they might get very sick and ill and might die they get old, frail and helpless. Sometimes they get sick and develop mental sickness . Finally they pass away.
Paragraph 7 -Conclusion
People go through their lives. Each stage evolves into unique and special people.
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