Monday, June 4, 2018

All about Graffes

A giraffe is a magnificent tall creature. But have you see it’s tongue? It’s dark purple,such a weird colour.
The giraffe is a towering tall mammal. It lives up to 25 years. Also it’s predators are Lions,Leopards and hyenas
A giraffe's height is 5.5m. The weight of a female is 830 kgs and a males weight is 1,200 kgs! The amazing appearance of a giraffe is that it has a really skinny tail with lots of hair the have little baby hair on their necks. Their patches which are on the leg are small and also really light and the more you go up they get darker. They got eyelashes  which are really protracted. A giraffe can run up to 60 km an hour!
A giraffes diet is acacia,(which is plants) leaves,bushes and bushy trees. It’s habitat is hot Africa in the savannahs.
“Jaw dropping””facts:
Did you know a giraffes  legs are about 6 feet high! They do everything standing up like giving birth and even sleeping! They are the tallest mammal on Earth!
Extinction info:
Sadly the sub-saharan African giraffes is endangered because 40% have sadly died and now there are only about 97,500 giraffes left in the world.  declined from 157,000 to 97,000 over the last 30 years because of poaching and habitat loss.

After this info you will be informed and want to tell your friends and teachers all of this information i hope that you liked my animal report

1 comment:

  1. Wow very Well Done!!! Learnt something new today about Giraffes weight and how many years they live.
